Evolutionary Blog

Distinctions to accelerate your personal and professional evolution

Creating Comprehensive Offerings | Sustainability of Change | Financial Sustainability

Update: The audio for this call is now avaialble here:

[The next call in the series is Monday, October 18th. See details for registration at the bottom of this post and details on the entire series HERE.]

It is no secret that a primary component of building a 6-figure practice is to offer prospective clients a comprehensive package and path to step into.

Not only does having a comprehensive offering allow you to guide a client to more sustainable and stable change that takes hold--change that actually sticks--serving them more comprehensively--it also allows you, as the practitioner, to relax into serving them--allowing you to focus all of your energies on the clients outcomes--rather than concern for whether they will be back next week--or not.


Many of my clients lately have been asking "Well, HOW do I create one, McClain?" 

HOW do we create these offerings such that they are coherent, cogent, compelling, and credibly solid?

This seems to be a fairly confronting aspect of building a 6-figure coaching or practitioner business. Confronting both emotionally and structurally--feeling good about it and knowing how.

Doing what The McClain-Ness™ does best, I have modeled out the structure of this kind of offering and what it must contain and comprise to be something that a client finds coherent, cogent, compelling, and credible.


What you will discover during this call :::


  • The structure of phases and stages and how to "stack" them to best serve the client; how to "build" your offering
  • The 4 components a comprehensive package must have to be compelling
  • How to present your package--how to use the package to NOT sell and therefore sell even more effectively
  • The philosophical and emotional residue that comes up for practitioners from antiquated ways of thinking ::: and how to resolve it

Monday, October 11th @ 7:30pm Pacific. You must register for the call. Do that by clicking HERE. There are a limited number of spots available, so snag your spot now.

The call will be live, and I will be taking your questions, so I encourage you to be on the call--and to bring your concerns, your challenges, and your curiosity.

For details about the topics for the other calls in the series, go HERE.

  5185 Hits

Teleseminar Series ::: Three Critical Components ::: Building & Maintaining a 6-figure Practice

Are you tired of tinkering around with your "holistic hobby"? Your first step to turning your practice into a viable and sustainable business is to register for this series of free tele-seminars.

You must register to be on the call (s). You only need to register once. You will then have a spot on all four calls.

  • Monday October 4th, 2010 ::: The three necessary components to building and maintaining 6-figure practice
  • Monday, October 11th, 2010 ::: Designing your extended and comprehensive offering sustainable change and financial sustainability
  • Monday, October 25th, 2010 Evolutionary Sales ::: Turning Initial consultations into results
  • Monday, November 1st, 2010 ::: Blogging, Social Networking, and Giving Evening Intros [tech and talks ::: how to acquire prospective clients with free, valuable content and authenticity]
Register for the new and evolved version ::: v3.1 of the 3 Components to Build and Maintain a 6-figure Practice.


There are only a few components successful coaches and practitioners must integrate into their practice to turn it into a business. At the same time, you can be “doing” these things, and still be unsuccessful unless you have the necessary techniques and ethical tactics incorporated into the components.

Not just the “how” but “how specifically”.

In this free tele-seminar discover:

  • The 3 Necessary Components for Building and Maintaining a 6-Figure Practice
  • 7 "Tricks of the Trade" including :::
    • 4 strategies successful coaches and practitioners engage in on a regular basis to maintain their practice
    • 3 critical techniques to turn your initial consultations into results
  • The Number 1 Mistake that Practitioners and Coaches make in their marketing strategy and their copy writing
    • [and it’s solution]


Four Mondays, beginning Monday October 4th, 2010 @ 7:30pm Pacific. Use this link to register for the call(s).

This from a former student :::

"Jason McClain is the real deal. His personal life story makes the stories of both Tony Robbins and Christopher Howard look like happy-go-lucky children’s books. He has been quoted as saying, 'if I can be happy and successful anyone can'.

"He built a 6-figure practice from scratch with an intangible service ::: “Personal Evolution”. Something no one wakes up in the morning and thinks they need or looks for. His success was as a result of the incredible efficacy of the system he developed by trial and error." -M.D.

A system I will hand over to you in this talk. Fine-tuned, and streamlined.

"I believe that right now is the time for the Evolutionary Professional™. The emergent agent of change integrating purpose and wealth; doing well as a result of doing good-- integrating universal spiritual principles and free market economics. I understand that the more of you I empowers to be successful, and have a full-time practice that is thriving, the better off the world will be.

Evolving the planet one client at a time is great, but it is horribly inefficient. *laughing* Let’s accelerate the process together."  --Jason D McClain


Acquire knowledge from one of the most broadly educated minds in the coaching business always innocently irreverent, funny, affable, approachable, and obviously committed to serving you by delivering dense value in his talks, expect the tips you will learn in this evening to bear immediate and lasting fruit in your business and in your life.

Be sure you have something to take notes with: and feel free to submit questions before hand. Space is limited to 99 participants for each call. So grab your spot now.



Oh--and to get a free trial, for what I think is the best teleseminar service out there--that allows you to call on people by name, "pass the mic" to them, and create break-out groups if you are leading a tele-class or series of tele-seminars, and a bunch more super cool technology to make your life as an entrepreneur easier and your business thrive with more profitability, click HERE.

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  23643 Hits

Evening for Practitioners ::: The Three Necessary Components | Success is not Magic ::: It is Systematic

"I doubled my business in the first two months of the program [Coaching the Life Coach by Jason McClain!       --Boston Blake, Massage Therapist

There are only a few components successful coaches and practitioners must incorporate into their practice to turn it into a business. At the same time, you can be “doing” these things, and still be unsuccessful unless you have the necessary techniques and ethical tactics incorporated into the components.

Not just the “how” but “how specifically”.

In this free evening discover:

  • The 3 Necessary Components for Building and Maintaining a 6-Figure Practice
    • How to construct talks and tele-seminars so that your students and attendees
      • Learn and retain more information and learnings
      • Have maximum opportunity to engage in your products or services without feeling "sold" or "pitched to"
    • How to design a comprehensive offering
    • How to turn initial consultations into results (90% conversion rate from prospects to clients)
  • 7 "Tricks of the Trade" including:
    • 4 strategies successful coaches and practitioners engage in on a regular basis to maintain their practice
    • 3 critical techniques to turn your initial consultations into results
  • The Number 1 Mistake that Practitioners and Coaches make in their marketing strategy and copy writing
    • [and its solution]
Yes. All in two hours. Yes, for free.


This from a former student :::

"Jason McClain is the real deal. His personal life story makes the stories of both Tony Robbins and Christopher Howard look like happy-go-lucky children’s books. He has been quoted as saying, 'if I can be happy and successful anyone can'.

"He built a 6-figure practice from scratch with an intangible service ::: “Personal Evolution”. Something no one wakes up in the morning and thinks they need or looks for. His success was as a result of the incredible efficacy of the system he developed by trial and error."  --M.D.

A system I will hand over to you in this talk. Fine-tuned, streamlined ... optimized.

"I believe that right now is the time for the Evolutionary Professional™. The emergent agent of change integrating purpose and wealth; doing well as a result of doing good-- integrating universal spiritual principles and free market economics. I understand that the more of you I empowers to be successful, and have a full-time practice that is thriving, the better off the world will be.

Evolving the planet one client at a time is great, but it is horribly inefficient. *laughing* Let’s accelerate the process together."  --Jason D McClain


Jason D McClain will lead this talk.

Acquire knowledge from one of the most broadly educated minds in the coaching business always innocently irreverent, funny, affable, approachable, and obviously committed to serving you by delivering dense value in his talks, expect the tips you will learn in this evening to bear immediate and lasting fruit in your business and in your life.

Bring something to take notes with. Be ready to implement effective ethical strategies to dramatically increase your income as well as your levels of fulfillment.

Isn't it about time?

What ::: Evening for Practitioners
When ::: Tuesday, October 12th @ 7:30pm
Where ::: San Francisco in the Inner Sunset [9th and Judah-ish]

RSVP for exact address.

  5771 Hits

Evening for Practitioners ::: The Three Necessary Components | Success is not Magic ::: It is Systematic

There are only a few components successful coaches and practitioners must incorporate into their practice to turn it into a business. At the same time, you can be “doing” these things, and still be unsuccessful unless you have the necessary techniques and ethical tactics incorporated into the components.

Not just the “how” but “how specifically”.

In this free evening discover:

  • The 3 Necessary Components for Building and Maintaining a 6-Figure Practice
  • 7 "Tricks of the Trade" including :::
    • 4 strategies successful coaches and practitioners engage in on a regular basis to maintain their practice
    • 3 critical techniques to turn your initial consultations into results
  • The Number 1 Mistake that Practitioners and Coaches make in their marketing strategy and copy writing
    • [and its solution]


This from a former student :::

"Jason McClain is the real deal. His personal life story makes the stories of both Tony Robbins and Christopher Howard look like happy-go-lucky children’s books. He has been quoted as saying, 'if I can be happy and successful anyone can'.

"He built a 6-figure practice from scratch with an intangible service ::: “Personal Evolution”. Something no one wakes up in the morning and thinks they need or looks for. His success was as a result of the incredible efficacy of the system he developed by trial and error."  --M.D.

A system I will hand over to you in this talk. Fine-tuned, streamlined ... optimized.

"I believe that right now is the time for the Evolutionary Professional™. The emergent agent of change integrating purpose and wealth; doing well as a result of doing good-- integrating universal spiritual principles and free market economics. I understand that the more of you I empowers to be successful, and have a full-time practice that is thriving, the better off the world will be.

Evolving the planet one client at a time is great, but it is horribly inefficient. *laughing* Let’s accelerate the process together."  --Jason D McClain


Jason D McClain will lead this talk.

Acquire knowledge from one of the most broadly educated minds in the coaching business always innocently irreverent, funny, affable, approachable, and obviously committed to serving you by delivering dense value in his talks, expect the tips you will learn in this evening to bear immediate and lasting fruit in your business and in your life.

Bring something to take notes with. Be ready to implement effective ethical strategies to dramatically increase your income as well as your levels of fulfillment.

Isn't it about time?


San Francisco ::: @ The Sandbox Suites Wednesday, August 11th ::: 7pm to 9pm

RSVP to let us know you want a seat reserved for you.

  5895 Hits

Teleseminar Series ::: Three Components ::: Building & Maintaining a 6-figure Practice

Are you tired of tinkering around with your "holistic hobby"? Your first step to turning your practice into a viable and sustainable business is to register for this series of free teleseminars.

You must register to be on the call (s):


  • Monday, May 10th, 2010 [tech and talks ::: how to acquire prospective clients with free content] Featuring a
    Social Media and email marketing expert [audio now available here ::: {mp3}free_teleseminars/20100510_clc_social_media{/mp3} ]

  • Monday, May 17th, 2010 [Designing your extended and comprehensive offering sustainable change and financial sustainability)]
  • Monday, May 24th, 2010 [Evolutionary Sales ::: Turning Initial consultations into results]
Register for the new and Evolutionary version of the 3 components to build and maintain a 6-figure practice.


There are only a few components successful coaches and practitioners must incorporate into their practice to turn it into a business. At the same time, you can be “doing” these things, and still be unsuccessful unless you have the necessary techniques and ethical tactics incorporated into the components.

Not just the “how” but “how specifically”.

In this free tele-seminar discover:

  • The 3 Necessary Components for Building and Maintaining a 6-Figure Practice
  • 7 "Tricks of the Trade" including :::
    • 4 strategies successful coaches and practitioners engage in on a regular basis to maintain their practice
    • 3 critical techniques to turn your initial consultations into results
  • The Number 1 Mistake that Practitioners and Coaches make in their marketing strategy and their copy writing
    • [and it’s solution]


Three Mondays, beginning Monday may 10th, 2010 @ 7pm Pacific. Use this link to register for the call(s).


Audio from the less evolved (from the past month) version of this series of calls:


The Overview [March 15, 2010]:
Creating Your Offering [March 22, 2010]:
Turing Initial Consultations into Results [April 5, 2010]:
Talks and Technology [April 26, 2010]:



This from a former student :::

"Jason McClain is the real deal. His personal life story makes the stories of both Tony Robbins and Christopher Howard look like happy-go-lucky children’s books. He has been quoted as saying, 'if I can be happy and successful anyone can'.

"He built a 6-figure practice from scratch with an intangible service ::: “Personal Evolution”. Something no one wakes up in the morning and thinks they need or looks for. His success was as a result of the incredible efficacy of the system he developed by trial and error." -M.D.

A system I will hand over to you in this talk. Fine-tuned, and streamlined.

"I believe that right now is the time for the Evolutionary Professional™. The emergent agent of change integrating purpose and wealth; doing well as a result of doing good-- integrating universal spiritual principles and free market economics. I understand that the more of you I empowers to be successful, and have a full-time practice that is thriving, the better off the world will be.

Evolving the planet one client at a time is great, but it is horribly inefficient. *laughing* Let’s accelerate the process together."  --Jason D McClain

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  1412 Hits