Jason D McClain

Jason D McClain

Jason has been studying advanced models of interpersonal communication and personal development and applying them to real-world situations for over 25 years. He has guided over 500 individual clients in their evolution through 6-month programs, one-on-one, since 2004, radically accelerating their development.

He is a vipassana meditator, having been on nine 10-day silent meditation retreats to date, an NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer since 1995, and an overall Integral Theory geek [AQAL, Spiral Dynamics, Etc].

As the architect of the Evolutionary Sales system, he has been teaching coaches and healers how to build 6-figure practices since 2008.

He has been said to demonstrate near-encyclopedic knowledge of all things personal development.

Jason is irreverent, sharp, witty, profoundly skilled, and can write a poem that melts hearts, but at his core, his only true love is your personal and professional evolution.

His friends simply refer to him as "The McClain®".

The Evolutionary Guide®

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Go for it. Call him or text him right now.

See the number below yeah that’s actually rings his mobile phone. Crazy Ha?  Don’t worry he’ll appreciate your gumption.

Go for it!