2021 Evolutionary
Certification Training

2021 Evolutionary NLP Certification Training

Awaken Your Superpowers

Awaken your superpowers.

You will gain skills in this training that most people don’t even think possible in terms of rapid healing and transformation, ethical nonverbal communication skills, freeing yourself from parental histories, being able to set and manage your emotional state at any time for any reason in any context for any purpose, ethical hypnotic language patterns.

The list goes on and on.

I recall one of my prospective students saying what she noticed about people who were NLP Practitioners was they were akin to born-again Christians in this one way: they felt like they could handle anything life throws at them. As a metaphor: they could walk into a dark alley and feel like the Lord was on your side and therefore nothing bad could possibly happen to you.

It truly is that way.

It gives you magical mindsets and principles to live by and to think by that will allow you to feel like you are a superhero. In your own life and - at times - for others (with their permission). While respecting the ecology of the being in front of you.

And that’s with this training has to offer.

And it's over Zoom video so you can do it from the comfort of your own home.

I led the first one in 2006 - thirteen years ago. The second one? 2018. Then again in 2019, and now, the final training will be in 2021. This will be the last time I am leading an NLP Training - after this, I am moving 100% into the Evolutionary Relationship material.

I have been an NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer since 1994 (not a typo).

Here is what I have noticed on my 25-year-long evolutionary path:

Any transformational weekend out there has NLP principles, approaches, and technologies underlying it.

Start to create your own magic in other people's lives and your own courses and training - make them even more powerful ... and 10X the power of your coaching with your clients.

Contact me for a complimentary exploratory session to see if it is the right fit for you, your life, and your business.

Awaken your superpowers.

Do it now.

The Evolutionary Guide®

Jason D. McClain

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Evolutionary Guide® since 2004 

Course Curriculum 

[Click the "+" To Expand Each Module]
The Fundamentals | May 15, 16
  • Categories: Skills, Techniques & Processes, Principles
  • Necessary Elements for Change
  • Ecology and Ethics - using NLP with someone, not on someone
  • NLP Presuppositions - Modeling wisdom across the ages
  • Neuro-Logical Levels - “where to tap”
  • Sensory acuity - sharpening your focus and awareness
    • Pattern recognition
    • Noticing difference
  • Hallucination vs sensory-based information
Rapport and Perceptual Positions | June, 12, 13
  • Non-verbal rapport
  • Developing multiple perspectives
  • Metacognition
  • Anchoring - mastering the dial-up of transient states
  • Marketing uses
  • Internal representation systems - the ultimate map of your interiors
    • VAK
    • Timelines
  • Eye Accessing Cues
  • Parts Model
Language Models | July 10, 11
  • Meta Model: a set of tools to eliminate ambiguity, increasing clarity and reducing misunderstandings by recovering the deleted or  generalized information from language.
  • Quantum Linguistics:  A set of linguistic tools to dissolve limiting beliefs.
  • Milton Model: Hypnotic Language patterns modeled after Milton Erickson (yes, namesake of the school of Ericksonian Hypnosis) providing you with the ability to communicate more abstractly for the purpose of alignment, agreement and negotiation.
    Also the lubrication on the gears of any change or transformational process.
Sub-Modalities | August 14, 15

Humans don’t experience reality, we experience our internal representations of reality coded in the modalities of pictures, sounds, feelings smells and tastes (V.A.K.o.g.; visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory) . Submodalities are the finer distinctions within each of the sense codings that allow you to have superhuman control over emotions, imprints from the past, affording you mastery over your experience.

Self-Esteem, Ego, Self-Imagery, Stage Conceptions | September 12, 13

No judgment is more impactful than the judgment you pass on yourself. Your esteem for yourself is your immune system for life. True self-esteem is knowledge of your efficacy and feeling worthy of receiving. The first is about results, feedback, the practical.. The second portion is about your worth - accepting your divinity, that you are worthy of receiving.

For entrepreneurs, there is no single more important thing on which to focus. For healthy relationships, there is no single more important thing on which to focus. For your general happiness, there is no single more important thing on which to focus.

Stage Conceptions: stages of moral development, stages of ego development, a la, Ken Wilber, Dr Clare Graves, Gene Gebser, Lawrence Kohlberg and Carol Gilligan, et. al.,

Discover how to accelerate movement through the stages to create a better world.

Negotiation, Parts, Conflict Resolution, and Sales | October 9, 10
  1. Parts Model as a negotiation model
  2. Ethical sales models
  3. Parts integrations and Core transformation
  4. Assumptive closes
Final Weekend | November 13, 14

This weekend, we cover anything not yet covered, any application questions students have, we'll demo anything that the participants want to see again, and in general, whatever the class participants desire.

Standardized Processes Taught In The Course
  • Releasing Emotional Enmeshment
  • Timeline Clearing
  • Grief Resolution 
  • Circle of Excellence
  • Visual Swish
  • Mapping Submodalities
  • Parts Integration
  • Core Transformation
  • Creating Your Future

What is it?

The most advanced communication tools in the world - whether you are communicating with yourself or with others.

What is NLP? The study of the structure of your subjective experience and the science of modeling excellence.

Its applications?

•Better understanding of yourself and others
•Being able to navigate your interiors 
•Better emotional facility
•Higher emotional intelligence
•Being able to connect with others at a much, much deeper level
•Establish rapport with anyone you choose at any time and have them feel understood and validated
•Incredible rapid therapeutic results (dissolving shame, grief, fear, anxiety,
•Healing traumatic events from the past more rapidly and more thoroughly than most think possible
•Be more effective at teaching 
•Negotiation skills
•Greater clarity in your communication
•If you are a coach, enjoy your clients getting results with you that are, rapid, breakthrough, and mind-blowing

You will become deeper, more skilled, and more precise at everything you do with others both personally and professionally.

And if you are a coach or healer, this is a necessary and complementary toolset for whatever modality you are already trained in.

14 Days, 7 weekends over 6 months. Deep dive.

2021 Training Dates

May 15, 16
June 12, 13
July 10, 11
August 14, 15
September 11, 12
October 9, 10
November 13, 14

All dates are Saturdays and Sundays

Each training day begins at 
9am Pacific Time
And ends at approximately
4pm Pacific Time

Your Next Step

Schedule Your Initial 30-Minute Conversation With Jason

It's Complimentary

Frequently Asked Questions


I  have a coaching certification. Do I really need an NLP certification or NLP training?

In my experience, if you are a certified coach you definitely will benefit from NLP training as well. Not only does it demystify so much but it will also give you access to ways to affect rapid transformational change in your clients. Really, it will be the difference between you having a two-dimensional coaching orientation and having a massive magical effect on your clients and them enjoying even more incredible results in their lives. There is nothing more effective and elegant at removing blocks than NLP.

What is NLP?

What is NLP?

NLP is the study of the structure of your subjective experience - understanding with ever-increasing efficacy how to navigate and optimize your internal structures to improve your results in life. 

It is also the study of human excellence and as such, it also includes a collection of processes - a body of work - modeled out over decades for rapid healing and transformation.


Is the training strictly NLP or is focused on NLP in the context of Evolutionary Development - I know you use it in your work?

This is not just an NLP Training. You will get the skills of an NLP Practitioner, the understanding of an NLP Master Practitioner, but because I have been studying Integral Theory for over two decades - and been a follower of Ken Wilber's work for even longer - I fit NLP within the AQAL framework presented in Integral Theory - with a particular focus on the Self developmental line. So we talk about things like Spiral Dynamics, ego development which those such as Jean Gebser and stages of conciousness, Carol Gilligan and Lawrence Kohlberg and their work on stages of female moral development, and most importantly for our world, Clare W. Graves and his work that was later popularized in Spiral Dynamics.

And then how NLP fits within these frameworks and how we can use is to accelerate the evolution of consciousness through these stages to build a better, more conscious world.


Why would I want to get certified with you versus another trainer?

In addition to the answers above, I have been a certified NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer since 1995 - twenty-five years now. And I have used it in service of over 500 clients 1 on 1 in the last 15 years - which is how long I have been in the coaching and transformational business full time.

So not only do I have excellent training, but I have over 25 years of experience of using it in the real world, and 15 professionally - so there is almost no client situation I could not help you with by drawing on that experience.

Also, I have plenty of other experience in other transformational approaches - from Landmark to vipassana meditation so you will get a deep and more well-rounded training with me - as well as the Integral Theory piece, which no one else is doing to my knowledge.


What are the certification requirements?

Attendance and competence:

You have to

  • Attend 5 of the 7 weekends.
  • Participate in at least one practice group per month with other students in the training
  • And at the end of the training, you need to be able to take a mock client through an entire NLP session which means:
  1. Establish rapport with the client
  2. Outcome elicitation
  3. Demonstrate the ability to invoke "problem state"
  4. Appropriate selection of NLP process you have learned in the training to address problem state
  5. Guiding the client through the process successfully leaving them in a new resourceful state
  6. Future-pacing new behavior or response to help them integrate the change

Throughout, you will need to maintain rapport and demonstrate respect for the ecology of the human you are in service of.


Well I have to memorize the processes? Do I have to do it all from memory?

No. This is an open book test. We want you to get it right. We don’t want you to memorize things by rote. There will be scripts I have honed over 25 years for some of the processes, so we want you to follow those until you get so masterful at them, they aren't needed anymore.

I myself in sessions with clients have pulled out a process that I’m unfamiliar with and read it from a book. I just let them know that’s what’s going to happen because it’s not a process I do very often.

There’s no shame in that. The shame would be being too insecure to say that and just be honest.

And that’s one of the many reasons we have a whole weekend dedicated to self-esteem and ego - which is something else you won't find in any other training.


Can I attend only some weekends?

Of course, you may attend on some weekends.

However, the price of the course is still the same - the weekends are not sold separately. Additionally, if you want to get certified there is an attendance requirement: you are only allowed to miss three weekends and still get certified. Even then, missing 3 would make it very difficult for you because the material is rich and dense.

However, the weekends will be recorded on video and audio for your use, so you can watch the video and catch up with your practice group.


Will I have to practice outside of the training? Or maybe a better way to word it is 'what are the time commitments outside of course weekends'?”

The first answer is yes; you’ll have to practice outside of the training. But 2 hours each month outside the training isn't much.

The second answer to this question is outside of the certification requirements, how good do you want to become?

My mentors told me that the reason I was so good so quickly is that I practiced with any human who was willing. Somebody said that they were experiencing anything at limited them in there life? I asked them if they would like to change that. An emotion, a belief, an internal conflict, or a habit or addiction? I would ask them, “would you like to change that”?

And I would just tell him I was practicing and learning advanced mental technologies and would they be willing to come over to my house and I would practice with them and they might get some free transformation out of it.

The more you practice the better you will get. These are physical skills.

A lot of people think that communication skills and advanced skills like this are not physical skills but they are. That means they take practice. It takes repetition. The more you practice the better you will get.

What People Are Saying

Words of praise for Jason's work.


Evolutionary Relationships

Creating The Love You've Always Wanted

Whether you are in grief and do not want to repeat the same patterns or you are in the middle period and there is a lack of aliveness in your relating or you are single or are seeking or about to begin a relationship, we've got you covered.

Personal Evolution

Go Deep Or Go Home

For those who want to do the deep work that will provide lasting, stable, permanent change. Evolve how you relate to yourself (ego) and how you relate to the events in your life (emotions) and enjoy ever-increasing levels of choice, freedom, and happiness.

Professional Evolution

For Coaches, Healers,
and Solopreneurs

Jason began teaching coaches how to build six-figure businesses in 2008. Evolutionary Sales is sales without the selling. For the practitioners looking to build their business without compromising their heart-centered values.

Upcoming Courses & Writing

Evolutionary NLP Certification Training v4
2021 Dates To Be Release
Holistic Biz Training v8: Coaching the Coach
Begins June 13, 14.

See all dates and course curriculum at the jump:
Evolutionary Relationships
Read book excerpts at the link below.

2021 Book Release Date To Be Announced.

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