Evolutionary Blog

Distinctions to accelerate your personal and professional evolution

Mistaken Identity | The Larger Self as Spirit | Expansion of Ego Until It Dissolves

Whatever you think you are -- you are more than that; whatever and however you identify yourself, you are far more than that. The problems with identification are many -- whether it is identification with/ as your gender, your nationality, your sexual orientation, your finances, your social reputation, your career, your role as a mother/father, your political affiliations, you religious beliefs, your competence or skill in a certain context, etc. -- to identify with any of those things will create problems if/when they are taken away or are shaken at their foundations as you will experience a very real identity crisis. But the "why" it creates problems is because it is not really who you are -- and to identify with it is *at least* selling yourself short.

In the face of such a crisis there are only two directions to move from an ego perspective -- expansion/evolution or contraction/regression. There is no neutral. You can expand to incorporate the new information/circumstances, or you can dig in, regress, and solidify (which requires engaging in some degree of self-deception).

Who you are is none of that. Who you are is Spirit. If you want to identify with something, identify with yourself as Spirit. 

Which every breath - breath out your lack of self worth that has you play small and identify with something less than your full birthright and breathe in the fact that who you are is ... all of it. 

Who you are is the Witness. 

And rest in that, smilingly.

Nothing else really matters. Anything else is chatter. What remains are the ego and self-esteem practices to engage in that have you experiencing the gap between what you think you are (identification) and what you really are -- Spirit manifest.

Let go of the small you and become a full-time God/Goddess. It is your birthright.

  5646 Hits

Money and Spirituality | The Mythos of Conflict

One of the things that I am committed to changing in the world is the painful separation of Spirit and wealth acquisition.

So many people think they have to sacrifice their spiritual life to make money or they think they have to sacrifice wealth to be truly spiritual.The truth is quite the opposite. Not only can we integrate them, but we must.

I think we can all agree, that if these were integrated--if people were acquiring wealth AND living a robust spiritual life in the same time -- then so much of the unethical stuff we have seen in the financial markets in the last few years would not have happened. 

For our world to solve so many problems it has, not only can we integrate spiritual sensibilities and wealth acquisition--we must. Integrate your purpose and prosperity. End the suffering of this painful separation by integrating your purpose and your prosperity.

That is the what and the why of Evolutionary Sales. The course teaches you the how. February 28th, March 1st and 2nd in San Francisco. 

Watch the 14 minute video about the course »here«:

Come to the free evening introduction for the course in San Francsico next Tuesday. Details on Facebook »here«.
In Service,

  5652 Hits

From Chance to Wisdom | From Conflict to Connection | Video Summary

Recently, I offered a free evening workshop on relationships. Both dating as well as conflict resolution. But the truth is, these distinctions are useful tools in any kind of relationship--be it professional, romantic, personal, or ... well, any relationship. I could have really recorded several versions of this -- or even broke this one out into three and flesh the ideas, tools, and concepts even further, but consider this a dense yet brief overview of a 2-hour workshop.

Watch the video below for more. And rememer to imagine other applications in addition to the situations I mention.

Want an iPad version?  Your video is »here« . Want to watch it on the iPhone?  Click »here«. On most other devices, the HTML5 video below should do just fine.

Approximate run-time is 31 minutes.




  8275 Hits

An introduction to Advanced Personal Evolution | San Francisco | States and Stages

Often, we experience some change or transformation--perhaps we go to a weekend event or workshops and we are certain it changed our lives. And yet that feeling fades. Maybe it takes a few months. Maybe it takes a few weeks. For some of us, it takes just a few days.

Why is that?

The answer is quite simple: we've confused transient emotional states for a stable shift in our "stage" of development. But you can have the change -- and keep it.


The understanding of “evolutionary consciousness” is perhaps the most important thing lacking in spiritual practices today. Evolution means growth and development. This means that there are aspects of reality that have not yet arisen in our consciousness. But they will arise if we grow.  -Ken Wilber


Condense a process that would normally take a decade into a few months or a year; accelerate your personal evolution.

We could say that "personal development" allows you to increase your skills in a very predictable, linear fashion. "Transformation" allows you to generate instant and unpredictable results. "Personal Evolution" includes aspects of them both, and yet transcends them both, giving you tremendous power and access to your internal life as well as capacities for the external--increasing your core capacities to handle whatever life throws at you. And have that emergent version of you be a more stable version you can count on as a new standard.

Those transient positive states can become permanent traits.

The path is clear. The "how" can be shown to you. The potential results for you are nearly limitless.

  • Clear your past emotional imprints reducing or eliminating your reactionary patterns, responding to situations with new resources, and establish your foundation
  • Build a solid relationship with yourself
    • Distinguishing your values in every major context of your life
    • Begin to live in conscious and intentional alignment with your values
    • Increase your esteem for your self
    • Develop the skills to navigate your own interiors
  • Expand your embrace through community, life purpose, relationship, or Divine Union
    • Continue the path of depth and expansion

In this evening, discover:

  • How you can rapidly clear negativities from your past including
    • anger
    • fear
    • guilt
    • shame
    • Etc.
  • How to build true esteem for your self--strengthening your "immune system for life"
  • Debunking myths about ego and self-esteem that are inhibiting healthy development
  • Effective strategies for managing the most powerful force in your world--your own mind
  • Effective approaches to Purpose, Relationship, and fulfillment through deeper understanding of yourself and others
  • To use your upsets [or the upsets of others] to distinguish values, producing conversations that bear fruit from the rocky soil of conflict
  • The differences among the stages of Divine Communion, Divine Union, and Divine Identification

Yes. All in about 2 hours. If I hurry.  *grin*

Your Personal Evolution is the gateway to the future and the life you envision for yourself.

Yes, it will take the gristly and gritty work of building the muscles of facility with Self.  AND it will be the most valuable endeavor you have undertaken because it will bear fruit in every context of your life, whether that is a romantic relationship or a creative or professional project, or as deep as fulfilling on your life purpose.

Let's explore this unfolding together. Let's accelerate the process together.

What: Introduction to Personal Evolution
When: Tuesday, September 24th | 7:15pm to 9:15pm in San Francisco
Where: »» RSVP «« for exact location


404 Bryant Street @ Second,
San Francisco CA 94107

Cost: free
Value: priceless

  11871 Hits

The Path to Divine Union | An introduction to Advanced Personal Evolution | San Francisco

Condense a process that would normally take a decade into a few months or a year; accelerate your personal evolution.

We could say that "personal development" allows you to increase your skills in a very predictable, linear fashion. "Transformation" allows you to generate instant and unpredictable results. "Personal Evolution" includes aspects of them both, and yet transcends them both, giving you tremendous power and access to your internal life as well as capacities for the external--increasing your core capacities to handle whatever life throws at you.

Enjoy true freedom. Reveal an ever-increasing degree of your Divinity ... and produce profound results in your life in the process.

The path is clear. The potential results for you are nearly limitless.

  • Clear your past emotional imprints reducing or eliminating your reactionary patterns, responding to situations with new resources, and establish your foundation
  • Build a solid relationship with yourself
    • Distinguishing your values in every major context of your life
    • Begin to live in conscious and intentional alignment with your values
    • Increase your esteem for your self
    • Develop the skills to navigate your own interiors
  • Expand your embrace through community, life purpose, relationship, or Divine Union
    • Continue the path of depth and expansion

Take two hours for yourself and...


  • How you can rapidly clear negativities from your past including
    • anger
    • fear
    • guilt
    • shame
    • Etc.
  • How to build true esteem for your self--strengthening your "immune system for life"
  • Debunking myths about ego and self-esteem that are inhibiting healthy development
  • Effective strategies for managing the most powerful force in your world--your own mind
  • Effective approaches to Purpose, Relationship, and fulfillment through deeper understanding of yourself and others
  • To use your upsets [or the upsets of others] to distinguish values, producing conversations that bear fruit from the rocky soil of conflict
  • The differences among the stages of Divine Communion, Divine Union, and Divine Identification

Yes. All in about 2 hours.

Let’s accelerate the process of movement through the stages--so we can play more, love deeper, laugh longer–and hurt for only as long as is necessary for us to learn what we must learn to deepen our experience of ourselves.

To unfold our depths; to reveal our Divinity.

And isn't that what it’s all for anyway?

Your Personal Evolution is the gateway.

Yes, it will take the gristly and gritty work of building the muscles of facility with Self.  AND it will be the most valuable endeavor you have undertaken.

Let's explore this unfolding together. Let's accelerate the process together.

What: Introduction to Advanced Personal Evolution
When: Saturday, March 30th | 11am to 1pm in San Francisco
Where: »» RSVP «« for exact location

Cost: free
Value: priceless

  8615 Hits