Evolutionary Blog

Distinctions to accelerate your personal and professional evolution

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  14894 Hits

Semi-Weekly Tips ::: To Have Blog Comments Or Not to Have Blog Comments?

To Have Blog Comments … Or Not To Have Blog Comments?



  6799 Hits

Semi-Weekly Tips ::: New Blog Category

I have created a new blog category for you called "semi-weekly tips" and it will be just that.

We'll cover topics ranging from self-esteem to email marketing. From best practices in business to practices for maintaining a healthy ego.

They will be 2-minute vignettes. We will release one approximately every 10 days.

They are not meant to be exhaustive or thorough lessons, but rather just a quick hit or some insight, and for some of you, simply reminders of the best of what you may have forgotten, but would love to be reminded of.

These are primarily created with coaches and holistic practitioners in mind, however, if you are in business for yourself, or if you are an independent commission-based employee, you will also be able to benefit from them.

To get you started, the first two are up now:

You are responsible, and therefore at choice:

Single emails do not sell. Email campaigns do:

And if at any point in the future, if you want to see all of the tips in the category, then you can either click on "Semi-Weekly Tips" near the date stamp for the entries, or go to the category listing here:


In Service and In Evolution,


  5347 Hits

Semi-Weekly Tips ::: Single Emails Are Ineffective; Email *Campaigns* Are Effective

Single emails do not sell people on anything. Email campaigns sell people on your offerings.

Register for the ultimate on-line course for coaches and practitioners here.


  5916 Hits

SOPA/PIPA Round Up | H.R. 3782 This Legislation Must Be Stopped

Imagine ... take downs and seizures of web sites by the D.O.J. without judicial review just for linking to something deemed a copyright infringement by ... a corporation that complains to the Justice Department.

What could go wrong?


I am sure you have heard of this by now:  SOPA/PIPA and its assault on liberty in a misguided attempt to end piracy. Not only does it trample on the First Amendment, but it also will not work in achieving its desired and stated outcome.

Regardless, I wanted to give you a round-up from those who write about this every day as well as some humor from the web to go along with it.

First from Wired, here is an explanation of the "blackout":

Also, Wired's in depth explanation of why they censored their own web site Wednesday, January 18th, 2012:

And watch the video on that page above.

In that article are also links to the why and the how of this legislation being so darned bad if you are unclear.

To lighten the mood, but to still be serious about this, and Anti-SOPA song set to "American Pie":

Now, serious:

From Wired.com ::: SOPA, Internet Regulation, and the Economics of Piracy:

Most importantly …

Don't declare victory yet. It is not enough to put black bars on stuff you post. Write your Congressperson:

Here is where you can write your Representative(s):

And hit the Senate up too:

And finally, one of the videos that started this all has been rebooted to deliver some very salient points

Yes, you guessed it, Hitler responds to SOPA:

Continue reading
  7897 Hits