Evolutionary Blog

Distinctions to accelerate your personal and professional evolution
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Evolutionary Sales | Turning Initial Consultations Into Results

The audio for this call is now available. I had a heckuva head cold, so you will need to bear with me on the voice and the general stuffiness, but we covered everything I wanted to cover, and the questions from the participants, were, as always, incredibly high quality questions. Great call.

Here 'tis :::



Monday, April 5th, 7pm Pacific. You must register to be on the call.

What if you could count on a prospective client signing an extended package with you when you see them in person? When I say, "count on" on mean--with 95% certainty?

As a holistic practitioner, you are sensitive to dynamics that do not feel right and you truly want to be of service to your prospective clients. You correctly want to make sure they never feel pressured.

And they never should--they do not need to be.

At the same time, if you have been in business for yourself for any length of time, you have come to realize that if you do not assist them in overcoming their concerns and their fears or limitations in thinking, you will never be able to assist them in realizing the life they have always wanted, dreamed of, and perhaps have come to you to assist them in finally achieving. In a sense, this is your first test as their coach, guide, or service provider in the helping industries.

Are you going to let them leave with those limitations intact? Or are you going to expand their world ever so gently?

The reality is, if you do not have financial sustainability, you will not be able to serve for very long before your own concerns of thriving and prospering come into play.  In a word, you need to learn to SELL--but sell without compromising your values of service, contribution, and ethics...

Many talk about using initial or "free" consultations to sign clients, but few know how to set these up to turn them into results. How to systematically use your communication before hand, setting context, and being so effective in the session with your guidance that the results end up being inevitable ::: you can begin to count on the client signing the agreement taking the gueswork out of our business, your financial life, and increasing your confidence exponentially.

Other distinctions I will be including in the evening :::










  • How to be so effective in your question flow that "closing" them or "overcoming their objections" becomes unnecessary--as a result of how your being of service.
  • The three steps to opening the relationship [signing the client]
  • How [and why] to sign the client without ever giving away free services
  • How to sell without ever selling
  • How to integrate permission-based selling


Monday, April 5th, 7pm Pacific. You must register to be on the call.

I will be taking questions live on the call. So be there--or be a hypotenuse.

Smart solo-preneurs and entrepreneurs know that one good idea can mean the difference in tens of thousands of dollars for your business. I have several IDEAs for you. Register for the call by clicking HERE.

Oh--and to get a free trial, for what I think is the best teleseminar service out there--that allows you to call on people by name, "pass the mic" to them, and create break-out groups if you are leading a tele-class or series of tele-seminars, and a bunch more super cool technology to make your life as an entrepreneur easier and your business thrive with more profitability, click HERE.

Rumor has it, they will be adding webinar/screen casting functionality soon, too.SHHHHHHH


In Service,


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